Monday, July 13, 2009

What is a good website hosting company for photographers?

I am in the process of creating my website for my photography business and am getting overwhelmed by all of the hosting/design sites. What is a good price? What features should I look for? any help is much appreciated.

What is a good website hosting company for photographers?
if you are looking for a cheap and good host, consider i don't think there's anyone that can beat their basic plan which starts at US$1 per month. i've been using them for about 3 years now without any complaints.

i'm not too sure about their design services though.... but if you engage them to do the design, you'll get your hosting and domain name free for 1 year.

since you are likely to be uploading new pictures every now and then, you may want to tell them to design an easily scalable site that can grow together with your business. a site that provides a "Maintenance" page that allows you to manage (ie. add/modify/delete) picture "Catagories", and also a facility to add/delete pictures in each catagory.

however, if you don't mind getting your hands dirty in techie stuff, you should like their cPanel (, which is a graphical interface for managing almost anything on your website. many other hosting comanies offer this cPanel too..... as it has become more or less a standard offering on most of them. don't accept anything less.

hope this helps :O)! Excellent price! Excellent work! Excellent customer service!!
Reply:Go Daddy and Chill Web Hosting are both good. Go Daddy is completely automated, I dont think Chill Web Hosting is (you will probably have to email or call them to get started). I bought my domains from Omnis and Go Daddy and then host my accounts at Chill. Chill has more felxibility and more personalized service. Both have good prices and good hosting plans.

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